Cellomusik III – Aina Myrstener Cello
Soothing cello minimalism for the jilted generation. Beautifully crafted pieces of light and darkness.
Soothing cello minimalism for the jilted generation. Beautifully crafted pieces of light and darkness.
Early summer mornings, highway transitways, cheap beer & cigarettes and an unyielding hope for the future.
This is the rough and
smooth jockeying for dominion over your body via your ears
Music for the spaces in between. Miniature movements caught in short moments in time. Seven pieces for piano.
A tribute to the deep forests in Bergslagen. Dark Bottomless lakes and moss-covered rocks. A timeless force gives me endless inspiration.
Cherry blossom falling from the sky. Comforting and warm compositions bringing hope that death is not the end.
Three versions adding new layers to Jackson’s beautiful originals. Harald Björk converts “Den inre skogen” for dancefloor usage, Elin Piel goes live electronics with “Förlusten” and Mokira adds Buchla action to the already Buchla packed “Hur det egentligen var menat”.
Nordic ambient compilation featuring some of the finest artists in the genre. Night music for those who can not, or do not want to, sleep.